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Το Excel έχει πολλούς προκατασκευασμένους τύπους, που ονομάζονται συναρτήσεις .

Οι συναρτήσεις πληκτρολογούνται με =και το όνομα των συναρτήσεων.

Για παράδειγμα=SUM

Αφού πληκτρολογήσετε το όνομα της συνάρτησης, πρέπει να το εφαρμόσετε σε μια περιοχή.

Για παράδειγμα=SUM(A1:A5)

Το εύρος είναι πάντα μέσα σε παρένθεση.

=ANDReturns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions
=AVERAGECalculates the average (arithmetic mean)
=AVERAGEIFCalculates the average of a range based on a TRUE or FALSE condition
=AVERAGEIFSCalculates the average of a range based on one or more TRUE/FALSE conditions
=CONCATLinks together the content of multiple cells
=COUNTCounts cells with numbers in a range
=COUNTACounts all cells in a range that has values, both numbers and letters
=COUNTBLANKCounts blank cells in a range
=COUNTIFCounts cells as specified
=COUNTIFSCounts cells in a range based on one or more TRUE or FALSE condition
=IFReturns values based on a TRUE or FALSE condition
=IFSReturns values based on one or more TRUE or FALSE conditions
=LEFTReturns values from the left side of a cell
=LOWERReformats content to lowercase
=MAXReturns the highest value in a range
=MEDIANReturns the middle value in the data
=MINReturns the lowest value in a range
=MODEFinds the number seen most times. The function always returns a single number
=NPVThe NPV function is used to calculate the Net Present Value (NPV)
=ORReturns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions
=RANDGenerates a random number
=RIGHTReturns values from the right side of a cell
=STDEV.PCalculates the Standard Deviation (Std) for the entire population
=STDEV.SCalculates the Standard Deviation (Std) for a sample
=SUMAdds together numbers in a range
=SUMIFCalculates the sum of values in a range based on a TRUE or FALSE condition
=SUMIFSCalculates the sum of a range based on one or more TRUE or FALSE condition
=TRIMRemoves irregular spacing, leaving one space between each value
=VLOOKUPAllows vertical searches for values in a table
=XORReturns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions